Improving AAPI Adolescents’ Mental Health

Asian American and Pacific Islander teens are often overlooked by mental health services due to the model minority myth. Even when AAPI students may look like they are “doing well”, they can mask underlying issues of anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. In fact, we know that there has been a recent increase in mental health needs in this population due to factors like the isolation caused by the Covid-19, rise in AAPI discrimination and hate and the continued lack of access to mental health services. Special focus needs to be given to AAPI and AAPI LGBTQ youth’s mental health outcomes and suicide risk. Secondary schools, CBOs, and colleges need to look at the compelling data then create and develop actionable plans to better support the mental health of AAPI students. 

Resources to support AAPI Students

AAPI Not a Monolith (“Model Minority Myth”)

AAPI Adolescent Mental Health Stats (pre-Covid)

AAPI Adolescent Mental Health Stats (during and after Covid)

AAPI Adolescent Stressors: Mental Health stigma, Less likely to be referred and get help, cultural barriers, relentless striving

AAPI Adolescent Stressors: Discrimination, Increase in Asian hate

Contact Information

Li Hsiang (Lisa) Chung, M.A. Ed

College & Career Specialist/Counselor, La Canada High School,

Christine Loo, M.S.W

Co-Director of College Counseling, The Stony Brook School, NACAC Board of Directors,

Kimberly Tsai Cawkwell, M.Ed

Director of Programs, Challenge Success,                          

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