Student Story: I Believe In the Mission of Challenge Success
A student shares how Challenge Success shaped his high school experience.
A student shares how Challenge Success shaped his high school experience.
Creative ways students have contributed to identifying problems and crafting solutions in their school communities.
A student shares the impact of Challenge Success to reduce cheating at her school.
Series of posters designed by Challenge Success students to promote a healthier approach to the college process in their community.
One student’s take on what success has meant to her.
Students from St. John’s in Houston share their peer’s reflections on why students ‘race to the bottom.’
Now in my fourth year of college, I
This article was originally published in The Piedmont
In June of 2018, I graduated from a small independent school in Southern California, which I attended from kindergarten through twelfth grade. My thirteen years there were a journey filled with struggle and joy, anxiety and curiosity.
I recently read the letter you wrote to me, your senior self, when you were about to start high school at Menlo. You were long-winded, idealistic, and, yes, very nervous. You included two pages of motivational quotes, a long list of goals including a 4.0 GPA and a desire to start on the water polo team, and even predictions about the four years that lay ahead.
(Some) parents felt as if our proposal was lowering the standards to make it “easier” for students in high school. But we aren’t lowering the standards: we are redefining them. We are “challenging” what they define as a child who is “successful.”
Student-athletes at Head-Royce School face stressful challenges balancing the demands of school and sports. As an initiative to improve student-athletes’ health and well being, Challenge Success Club members decided to host a student-led H block discussing the issues and struggles of being a student-athlete in November 2017.