Second-Hand Performance Anxiety: 5 Reasons Why Parents Fret Over Their Kids’ Performance
Welcome to the season of parental anxiety. As surely as winter melts into spring and Uncle Sam demands his yearly tribute, we start worrying about end of semester tests, registration deadlines for the “right” summer camps and the arrival of college acceptance (or, heaven forbid, rejection) letters. That parents fret about their kids’ performance is no secret. Why and what to do about it is less clear. In this blog I’m going to explore some of the reasons behind the handwringing. Yes, we all love our kids and we all want them to be successful. But that has always been true of parents, and yesterday’s parents didn’t obsess over every test grade and spend every spare minute shuttling them to rehearsals, matches and tournaments…did they? No. They did not. (Ask yourself: did your parents parent the way you do? Did your friends’ parents?) You probably know my position on overparenting. However well-intentioned, it doesn’t do kid …